Integration with Prestashop
Instructions on how to integrate ChatLab with Prestashop store
Before you start Prestashop integration setup make sure the chatbot is already added to your website - please check detailed instructions to do this:
Installing Chatbot on a PrestaShop Store
The Prestashop Integration with our chatbot service allows seamless interaction between your online store and customers via our chatbot. With this integration, customers can:
- Search for products in your Prestashop store while chatting with the bot.
- Check order details, such as status and tracking information, when they provide an order identifier.
To use this integration, a Standard or Premium Subscription is required.
How it works
- Product Search
The chatbot enables users to search for products available in your Prestashop store seamlessly. When a user enters a search query, the chatbot performs a search against the product titles and descriptions in your catalog.
The search returns the top 5 matched products based on relevance to the query. Each matched product includes the following details:
- ID: The unique identifier of the product.
- Name: The name of the product.
- Price: The product's current price.
- Description: A brief description of the product.
- Store Link: A direct link to the product page in the store.
- Image: A single representative image of the product.
This feature helps users quickly find products of interest without needing to navigate the store manually.
- Order details
Users can conveniently check the status of their orders by interacting with the chatbot. To fetch order details, the user must provide the order ID and the email address associated with the order. Both parameters are validated against the Prestashop store records, and the order information is returned only if there is a match.
The chatbot retrieves the following details for matched orders:
- Total Value: The total monetary value of the order.
- Order Status: The current status of the order (e.g., processing, completed, canceled).
- Shipping Details: Including the recipient's first and last name and the shipping address. There is also information about the carrier and shipping number.
- Ordered Items: A list of items in the order, with the following details for each item:
- Name: The name of the product.
- Quantity: The quantity ordered.
- Price: The unit price of the product.
- Total: The total price for the quantity of the product ordered.
This feature ensures that users can easily stay updated on their order status and details without needing to log in to the store's dashboard.
Before you start - make sure you have ChatLab Standard or Premium subscription that allows for Prestashop integration. Check the pricing page
Note this integration currently does not support multi store setup. If your require it the please contect via our contact form.
2. Integrate chatbot with Shopify API
To connect your Prestashop store with Chatlab, you'll need your store's URL and a Webservice key. This guide will show you how to generate and locate the Webserbice key in your Prestashop store and how to connect your chabot with the API.
Create integration in Prestashop Store
Go to CONFIGURE → Advanced Parameters → Webservice
Scroll down to “Configuration” section, tick “Enable PrestaShop’s webservice” → Yes and Save.
Now on the same configuration page click “Add new webservice key”
Configure new key: click “Generate” button to create new Key, provide the description like “key to integrate with chatlab”, make sure is enabled and finally grant resource permissions to the key. Below is the list of all required permissions to add (all permisions to View(GET)).
- languages (GET)
- search (GET)
- products (GET)
- orders (GET)
- tags (GET)
- custmers (GET)
- addresses (GET)
- order_states (GET)
- categories (GET)
- carriers (GET)
Click “Save” to create the webservice key and when that’s done - copy webservice key.
Activate integration for your chatbot.
Login to chatlab admin console , select the bot and go to Integrations tab.
Navigate to ‘Prestashop’ section, enable integration with prestashop by switching it on.
Configure all required parameters:
Webservice key: key generated in prestashop webservice interface
Prestashop shop url: url address of your store
Prestashop product url format: Copy this value from prestashop interface. Go to CONFIGURE → Shop Parameters → Traffic & SEO
Scroll down to “Schema of URLs” and copy value from “Route to products”
Prestashop default language: Select one of the available languages from your shop. When configuring the integration for the first time, this option may not be available. The languages from your store are fetched automatically after you provide the web service key, shop URL, and click the "Update Chatbot" button.
Optionally, you can configure action labels so the chatbot can notify clients in the chat when it is performing certain actions.